Mobile App: AD IT! -+


My app would use a scan system so that when you point it to the advertisement, it would give you exact details about that product or service.

I believe in blending the lines between advertisements and art pieces. This would allow for the creative team to be less literal and more free with their designs. Since the ad wouldn’t need messages explaining everything about what it is (since using the “Ad it” scan would tell you) therefore the ads could focus more on the overall unity of the design. It could allow advertisements to become more of an art piece than just an ad.

This would also force the creator of the ad to be more seductive and persuasive. Since its not automatically throwing all sorts of information at the viewer, more enticement is involved. This way the consumer isn’t forced to watch a commercial or look at an ad unless they are very compelled.

Ad It! Is the name of my app and it would allow advertisements to speak for themselves more.

The art of mesmerizing ~*~**


This video is a pretty great example of what if means for ads to be visually stunning. It is a compelling way to express the new Guinness bottle. The ad really doesn’t even express what they are promoting until the very end. The whole video is a connection between the dark black color of Guinness and what the color black is associated with.

This one is definitely targeting a younger more alternative crowd. It is definitely targeting the black community as well. So in a way this ad is capturing the zeitgeist and even claiming that it know something about it.

Usually when I envision Guinness I think of older men like my grandpa and dad sipping on a dark beer for the potent beer flavor. This ad begins an entire era for Guinness that may pick up a lot of consumers who normally would opt for a different beer. The commercial was high energy and seems to place Guinness in the heart of it.